ARTTEC's goal is to contribute to a healthier way of life by adding chromotherapy devices to hydromassage tubs and boxes, enabling controlled color effects that specifically enhance the body's vitality together with the water. In addition, it is also expanding its corporate policy with the provision of innovative information related to human existence in contemporary society. They help us gain a higher quality of life, as well as an understanding of its purpose. For those who want to further understand the principles reflected in the relationship between nature and man, the books with unprecedented content, aptly titled "Svět je jinak" (The World is Different) and "Sdělení Druhé strany" (Messages From the Other Side) are available.

In this brief flyer we will begin with some information about diet. Expert and alternative "guaranteed beneficial" recommendations are highly chaotic, resulting from the ingnorance of the nature of life and the factual process regime of the body's organism. So-called Breatharianism even refuses food with reference to receiving vital energy necessary to the body from the surrounding environment. This is a fundamental mistake; the material body with all its functions, starting with thinking and ending with its regeneration, naturally needs matter as well as immaterial energy.

In order to understand at least the basic principles of a naturally appropriate diet in conformity with the characteristics of our physical body, we must first know that food is not transformed into vital energy in our body as science declares and measures its caloric value (or joules). Vital energy is drawn by all living nature, including humans, from the surrounding environment, which permeates as an Immaterial part of the System of the Universe (Universe). The problem is that the body's capacity to receive vital energy is limited. If one draws an excessive amount, such as foods that are difficult to digest, then he lacks energy for other processes in the body, starting with the metabolism and ending with an impaired immune system, which leads to life-threatening lifestyle diseases. Another equally important factor for the selection of food is the knowledge of the "density" of our body (we don't mean the spatial distribution of the body, but the force of the Immaterial charge of subatomic particles that constitute the body). The amount of vital energy necessary for the decomposition (digestion) of the same kind of food varies with the density of individual bodies. Our blood type is a good guideline, where the body's density gradually decreases in the order of 0 (zero), AB, A, and B. Type "B" is an organism with the lowest density, with the greatest need for vital energy to process the food for its needs.

What rules should we follow when selecting and preparing food?

  1. It is crucial to only ingest food made from ingredients that were minimally technologically processed and with no added substances (preservatives) to improve their appearance, taste, aroma, shelf life and other properties for marketing purposes (everything apart from living nature, especially chemical products, are burdensome "foreign matter" to the body in terms of vital energy), which also applies to all beverages.
  2. The only heat treatment should be cooking or steaming. Baking, frying, smoking, grilling or cooking in a microwave or induction stove is completely inappropriate,
  3. The temperature of the food and drinks should be in the range of 18°C - 42°C, so that the digestive enzymes are effective.
  4. Avoid fat-free food (light).
  5. Keep in mind that the digestion of food begins in the mouth, so chew the food well and don't engage in other activities while you eat (watching TV, reading, etc.).
  6. Do not combine different food types (as described in more detail below).

Let's recall the saying: "Eat until you're half full, drink until you're half full, and you will live for many years", because one does not live to eat and drink, but one must eat and drink in order to fulfill his life's resolution, in order to live.

The diet of a modern human consists of (italics are used to mark food types with higher energy demands for digestion and utilization by the body):

  • Grains and their products (wheat, oats, barley, rye, gluten-free - corn, rice, amaranth, buchwheat, millet)
  • Legumes and their products (peas, lentils, chickpeas, soy, beans, peanuts)
  • Vegetables - all vegetable products and their processing by canning, drying, freezing and vegetable juices
    root vegetables - carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, Jerusalem artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, celery, parsley, parsnip, salsify, horseradish
    leafy vegetables - salad - all types, spinach, radicchio, rhubarb
    stem vegetables - red cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kohlrabi (white and red), kale, cabbage, cauliflower, fennel
    bulb vegetables - onion - all types, garlic, leek
    fruiting vegtables - tomatoes, zucchini, watermelon, squash, cucumber, pumpkin, strawberries, peppers, eggplant
    and other kinds - artychoke, heart of palm, plantain, asparagus, bamboo sprouts, breadfruit
    spice vegetables - dill, marjoram, mint, oregano, cumin, ginger, lovage, parsley, celery, cilantro, basil, chives
    fruit and nuts - all fruit and nut products and their processing by canning, drying, freezing, juicing, marmelades and jams
    apple, cherry, sour cherry, apricot, peach - all kinds, nectarine, blueberry, cranberry, currants - all kinds, raspberry, blackberry, grapes - all kinds, lemon, pomelo, lime, orange, tangerine, kiwi, grapefruit, pomegranate, pineapple, persimmon, serviceberry, pear, nashi, quince, loquat, plum, greengage, mirabelle, sloe, rowan, cranberry, service tree, gooseberries, bananas, figs, dates, carambola, lychee, mango, papaya, avocado, olive, coconut, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, chestnuts, mulberry, cocoa beans, coffee beans.
  • Meat and all meat products, including foods containing meat extracts (such as gelatine)
    beef, veal, rabbit, fish - fresh and saltwater, poultry - chicken, duck, goose, turkey, pork, sheep, goat, horse, wild game, seafood, small animals
    animal products - milk and milk products - full fat cheeses, yogurts, fermented products
    eggs, roe, caviar
  • Animal and vegetable fats contained in a wide range of foods
    animal - butter, lard, tallow
    vegetable - olive, corn, sunflower, rapeseed, soybean, sesame, palm, coconut, and many more
  • Sugars added to virtually all food products and beverages - the only sugars suitable as food for humans are natural (unrefined) beet and cane sugar, and recently sugar from stevia. All other sugars, refined, glucose-fructose syrup, dextrose with artificial flavors and other
    sweeteners are completely inappropriate.
  • Salt - only sea salt is suitable, the addition of iodine is acceptable, crystal (mined) salt is inappropriate, and salt with the addition of flouride is even harmful
  • Beverages - the most natural beverage is spring water and tea prepared from it - unfermented green and herbal teas. All other beverages - sweetened, flavored and carbonated, are unfit for consumption. Coffee and all its substitutes. It is important to know that milk and all beverages prepared from it is food, not a beverage (cocoa). Adding "flavors" to milk makes it an energetically demanding food.

Foods that can be combined with virtually all other types: rice, amaranth, citrus fruits and all kinds of grapes, pumpkin, corn oil, natural cane sugar, unfermented green tea.

Brief assessment of commonly consumed foods and beverages:

GRAINS AND LEGUMES - make up 60-70% of our nutrition. They are the basis of human food. Naturally bound nutrients. It is not essential that wholegrain Heat treatment of cooking, stewing - ie. without forming a dark black burnt surface. Digesting wholemeal flour takes up a lot of energy. All other modifications of grains and legumes (instant, added trace elements and vitamins) devalue the quality of the food. The surface of bread (crust) is also hard to digest.
Do not combine with meat and fruit.

VEGETABLES - are mostly beneficial for humans. Heating the vegetables (steaming and cooking) makes the minerals and trace elements of the food more readily available to our body; raw vegetables provide more vitamins and amino acids. Suitable with spaghetti, pizza, with cheese.
Do not add to dishes with fruit, meat and animal fat.

FRUIT - is mostly beneficial to humans, but its quality is reduced by chemical sprays against pests or chemical treatment for commercial reasons. Do not add to dishes with grains, vegetables, meat and animal fat.

MEAT, smoked meats, fat from meat - not suitable for human digestion. White meat is more beneficial (chicken, fish). The meat of omnivores is completely unsuitable (pork, duck). Do not mix meat and fruit, the best side dish to meat is rice. The most harmful foods are smoked foods (and not just meat!).

SUGARS - only suitable in their natural form, refined white sugar is foreign matter to the human body. Glucose-fructose syrup added to most food products for commercial reasons is as harmful as smoked products! Animal-based food products or food containing animal products, albeit sweetened by a suitable sugar, are highly energy consuming (sweets, pastries, etc.). Mix of animal and plant sugars into a single dish (composition of dairy products sweetening of milky foods, fruit and whipped cream, etc.).Unrefined beet sugar is preferable for vegetables, and cane sugar is preferable for fruits and other foods.

FATS - the only beneficial animal fat is butter, the only beneficial vegetable fats are cold-pressed sunflower, olive and corn oil. Hydrogenated fats or oils modified for the preparation of food at high temperatures are foreign matter to the human body. Sunflower oil is more suitable for vegetable dishes, olive oil is better for fruits, and corn oil is neutral. Do not combine fats with sugar (the most energy-demanding combination)! Fat-free foods lack the fat component that helps absorb water insoluble minerals, trace elements and vitamins, which remain unused.

MUSHROOMS and VINEGARS - mushrooms are major carriers of mineral elements and vitamins. They can be combined in cooked and steeamed foods with all kinds of vegetables (such as potatoes) and grains (such as pasta) or consumed pickled in wine vinegar. Do not combine with meat, animal fats, dairy products, eggs and fruit. The favorite scrambled eggs with mushrooms is one of the most energy-demanding foods. To add acidity to food, the juice from a lemon or lime, or rice and wine vinegars are most suitable; do not use commercially available spirit vinegar. Fruit vinegars should only be used in fruit dishes.

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